We would love to have you join us on one of our two mission trips to Piura, Peru.
A visit as part of the mission trip is a life-changing, positive, and impactful experience. It will help you grow deeper in your own faith and provide a new perspective on day-to-day life. Most importantly, the people of Piura are so deserving, so grateful, and so faithful.
The adult trip typically leaves around the second week of January and returns around 9 days later. Piura is in the southern hemisphere, so while it is winter for us, it is summer for them. It is a nice escape from the cold!
Missionaries will have a full schedule (in a good way) ahead of them with a variety of activities to help the people of Piura in multiple ways, as well as learn more about their culture, the different ways our support helps, and plenty of fun and new experiences! While the exact activities can vary over time, many of them will be the same because the needs of the people warrant them. If you join us on a mission trip to Piura, you can expect to:
Build houses
Pack food for families in the family-to-family program
Deliver food to sponsored families
Deliver clothing to townspeople
Visit and care for children in the orphanage
Visit and care for people in the Hospice
Participate in the pro-life walk (adult trip in January)
Visit and learn about the girls home
Go to the beach with the girls home (youth trip in July)
Tours and performances
Shepherd goats and sheep
Visit the food market and purchase food for families/the girls home
Visit the wares market for personal shopping/tourism
Tour el Instituto de San Juan Maria Vianney and el CETPRO San Juan Maria Vianney
Missionaries stay in the complex that is attached to Santisimo Sacramento, our sister parish, in Piura, Peru.
How much does it cost?
Cost is difficult to assign a dollar amount, due to the variability of the cost of plane tickets and the potential need (and also variable, depending on insurance) cost of necessary and/or voluntary vaccinations.
People of all physical abilities will be able to participate in all activities on the trip. If you have any physical limitations, there will be some sort of arrangement made to accommodate you. Most of the activities are not physically demanding.
The missionary program is very safe. The people in Piura recognize who we are and why we are there: to God's work and help their people.
You will not get sick so long as you follow all of the suggested guidelines laid-out by the trip: