Christian Formation ministries encompass a variety of opportunities to enrich, educate and enhance the lives of our parishioners at various stages on the faith journey.
Often, the prerequisite for joining this ministry is simple…just having the interest is enough. The Holy Spirit guides, leads and provides inspiration for you to be the conduit for sharing. In addition, training and mentoring provide knowledge for leadership.
If you are interested in learning more about these ministries, contact the individual listed for more information. At Saint John Vianney, our ministries always have “room for one more” and you are welcome to come and see.
Make baptism apron used during the celebration and given to parents at baptism of a child. Sew baptism aprons as needed.
Contact the Christian Formation or Liturgy Office for more information.
Contact June Beiermeister at (262) 786-4179
Janine Bamberger at [email protected]
Prepare parents for baptism of a child. Leader couples present a video and lead further discussion. These sessions are offered 11 times per year.
Contact John Thompson in our parish office for more information.
Teach the Catholic faith to children K4-Grade 11. Teach classes Sunday mornings or evenings from September to March.
Contact Janlyn Carvalho in our parish office for more information.
Provide second grade children and families additional opportunities to grow in the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Adults and teens are needed to assist with sacramental preparations at Family Retreat Night, Joy Day, the Church Tour, or serve at First Reconciliation and First Communion celebrations.
Contact Dave Baudry in our parish office for more information.
Celebrate the Liturgy of the Word with children K4-Grade 4. Proclaim the Word of God and help the children understand the Gospel at the Sunday 11:00 am Mass.
Contact Janlyn Carvalho at [email protected] in our parish office for more information.
Prepare adults, age 19 and up, for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Rotates among quad parishes. Meets Tuesday evenings the six weeks before Pentecost to gain an adult understanding of faith.
Contact Dave Baudry at [email protected] for more information.
Prepare high school juniors for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Classes meet eleven times from September through May on Sunday evenings.
Contact Dave Baudry in our parish office for more information.
Working as an advisory committee, members partner with the Christian Formation staff of the parish to support formation classes and activities and parish programming for children, youth and adults, which include educational, service and social opportunities. We seek to create a place where parishioners want to come together in prayer and community. Our work answers His call to pass on the light of Christ to future generations.
Contact Kevin & Michelle Prudlow at [email protected] for more information.
A week-long experience of providing service to communities undergoing hardships in the U.S. and abroad. This involves repairing homes and simple construction to allow people to remain or return to their homes.
Offers an immersion/service experience for middle school students entering Grades 7, 8, 9. It combines service work with community building and social activities as well as faith-filled leadership opportunities. Variety of service opportunities in and around Milwaukee and Waukesha.
This is an audio/visual-based faith, learning and discussion group, for men ages 18+, that meets at 6:30 AM to 8:00 AM prior to daily morning Mass on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, typically in Room P210 of the Parish Center (upstairs). New members are always welcome. Each meeting features a brief Scripture focus, a brief focus on the lives of two Saints, a 15-to-30 minute audio or video presentation followed by an open discussion, then the planning of, or follow through on, various parish service projects, outreach efforts and/or field trips and pilgrimages. The group has a particular commitment to Catholic Adult Religious Education efforts . . . (Adult Formation), and hosts a fellowship-encouraged coffee service in the Narthex for parishioners after the 4:30 PM Saturday Mass on the 1st Saturday of each month.
Contact Andy Smith at [email protected] for more information.
Help engaged couples prepare for the sacrament of marriage. Married couples assist engaged couples in taking and discussing the pre-marriage inventory. Training is provided through the archdiocese.
Christian fellowship. reading and discussion of the book as a group.
Contact Sandy Huhn at [email protected] for more information.
Prepare individuals to become Catholics and initiate them into the Church. This process includes Liturgical Rites, meetings on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings for theological reflection and learning about the faith.
Learn more about RCIA here.
Help people share faith in small groups and form a community. Meet as frequently as each small group decides. Focus each meeting on a study book, Scripture or topic. Group leaders are needed to facilitate the new groups.
Contact Kathy Uy at [email protected] for more information.
Plan and coordinate a week-long summer event for children ages K4 through Grade 5 to learn more about God in a fun, casual and interactive way. Music, games, stories, crafts and snacks are incorporated into a morning of learning where both adult and youth volunteers are needed. A VBS coordinator is needed to work with the director to recruit and train adult and youth volunteers, organize games and activities, facilitate outreach project, create an atmosphere of fun and learning, order supplies and work within a budget.
Contact Janlyn Carvalho in our parish office for more information.
The Vocation Committee mentors, empowers, advises, supports and helps to augment vocations through providing speakers and helping to plan approaches to promoting vocations.
To provide opportunities for High School teens to gather for social, prayer and reflection activities. Format varies; activities include Bible study, discussion about putting faith into action, experiences for prayer and faith formation.
Contact Dave Baudry in our parish office for more information.
Did you notice any missing or incorrect information? Please email [email protected]