The sacrament of annointing is administered to the dying as well as to those who are gravely ill or about to undergo a serious operation. This sacrament of mercy and healing offers prayers for recovery, but its primary intention is to give spiritual strength and calm the soul of the one suffering from illness. Traditionally, this sacrament was referred to as Extreme Unction or Last Rites.
We celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick every Thursday morning during 7:00 AM Mass. There is no need to preregister or call ahead. Parish members and guests are invited to participate in the sacrament.
If you would like to be anointed, simply fill out a form (available in the Narthex) and bring it to the sacristy before Mass. The form asks for your name and why you are requesting the sacrament. This will allow us to correctly record your anointment for archdiocesan records.
Please call the SJV Parish Office at (262) 796-3940. If someone is bedridden or hospitalized and would like to be anointed. Anointing is not to be delayed to the last minute. A person who has been anointed once does not need to be anointed again with the same illness. It is also important for someone who is anointed to be prepared to go to confession when the priest arrives (if they are able).
If there is an emergency outside of our office hours for someone needing to be anointed who is in danger of dying, or for someone who has died, please call (262) 796-3951.
When to Call a Priest
Diagnosis of serious disease: Call the parish to come in and meet with the priest.
Terminal Diagnosis: Call the parish to come in and meet with the priest.
Homebound: Call the parish to schedule a visit within a given week.
For the integrity of the sacrament, the priest will hear the confession of the person to be anointed (if they are able).